Free Your Spirit from the Screen

Picture this:  You’re sitting in a small room and staring at a wall and holding a key in your left hand.  You hear the sound of a clock ticking, and as it ticks you begin to grow anxious at the sound.  You look to your left and see a door that is deadbolted.  So, you scan your eyes back to the wall and continue to sit.  You then notice there is a small table to the right offering a drink in a large glass.  You pick it up and take one sip – then a few more.  You notice that your stomach begins to ache as the pain in your head from the clock ticking increases. The clock seems to be getting louder and louder as you become more and more nauseated with each sip.

You may be thinking this makes no sense.  Why would someone remain in torture when they hold the key to their own freedom?  Why would someone continue to consume a substance that is making them feel ill when they could simply – stop?   Interestingly enough, many of us do this very thing daily.  How you ask? The most obvious example would be the foods we choose to consume.  Many of us continually consume foods that we know are not good for us or consume larger portions than we should when we know it is harming our body.  This is bad enough.  But its goes deeper.  Consider the amount of information that you receive on a daily basis – the messages that you are fed from via media and entertainment. We consume exorbitant doses of this virtual garbage so often that we don’t take stock of the mental, physical, and spiritual impact that it has.  We become angry, upset, withdrawn, anxious – and all the while we could simply… stop.

The things allowed to enter the mind and spirit definitely have a very real impact.  Remember – what goes in is what comes out, and frequent negative emotions, attitudes and hostility have been shown tohave physical effects on the body.  These chronic negative feeling have been liked to several physical conditions such as digestive disorders and hypertension and can even weaken your immune system.  They can actually change your body’s chemistry and hormonal balance causing it to begin to suppress serotonin – which is necessary for feelings of joy and happiness – and in fact have been shown to decrease life span by causing us to age more quickly.

So, how can you protect yourself?  Unplug sometimes and focus on reality, loved ones and selfcare.  You don’t always have to keep up with the latest political and social news.  You don’t always have to watch that video that gives discourse on very real and important issues, but it also highly upsetting to your spirit. It is okay to just stop sometimes and focus on happiness and love.

We live in a society overrun with media stunts, excessive technology, and an increasing epidemic of non-existent social skills that largely been fueled by virtual reality and social media.  Log off of social media, turn off the television, and dwell in the moment.

Instead of sending a friend or loved one a text message or DM, pick up the phone and give them a call.  Or, if possible, go visit them to catch up.  A face to face conversation with good company beats an electronic message any day.  Find a good book to read (a real one – not an e-book!).  Enjoy a nice walk and mindfully enjoy the feeling of the breeze and warmth of the sun.  Observe the beauty of nature around you.  Lights candles and take a long bubble bath. Meditate.  Write Create. It will do your mind, body, and spirit well to reconnect to your humanness and the physical world around you.

It is easy to become sucked into the wire.  With the hustle and bustle of life, social media, and so many controversial and devastating events occurring in world, it is easy to slip into a cycle that does not allow you to take time to enjoy life and be present in reality and for the things that matter.  But is well worth the effort for a healthy, balanced, and meaningful life.  Take your eyes off of the screen every now and again.  You’ll be surprised at how it feeds your soul.

How do you unplug and tend to your self care? I would love to hear from you!

Peace & Love,

Property of Baïna BodyWorks, LLC. 2018. Copying, distributing, or otherwise using for any purpose without express permission and proper attribution is strictly prohibited.
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