A Warm Bath is Just What You Need

Due to pressing schedules and the other pressures of modern life, many no longer take time to incorporate relaxing rituals into their daily routine.  We tend to get in the habit of doing only what is necessary and expedient, and when it comes to cleansing our bodies, many opt for showers because of their perceived convenience.  However, bathing has been shown to have several benefits for health and well-being over and above getting clean.  As opposed to a shower, bathing forces you to slow down, take a seat, and relax for a while. The gentle and relaxing environment can help to clear your mind. Taking a warm bath can boost your mood by increasing serotonin levels and relieving physical and mental tension and stress.  Also, the warm water enveloping your form acts as a full-body heat pack to relieve muscle and joint pain.  In addition, bathing has been shown to help relieve skin conditions with the inclusion of natural oils and other organic additions; to help to produce better sleep when taken before bedtime; and in some studies, to help regulate insulin and blood pressure and improve blood circulation.  Warm baths have even been shown to benefit gastrointestinal health.

While warm baths are blissful, avoid making the water too hot as this can cause heat stress on your body which can be taxing on the heart. Excessively hot bath water has also been shown to temporarily reduce fertility in men by overheating sperm and reducing sperm count.  Once overheated baths are abated, male fertility has been seen to gradually return to normal however. Also, women should avoid harsh bubble bath products with heavy artificial fragrances and opt for more natural bath additions such as essential oils for scent.  The chemicals in the artificial fragrances are hostile to the natural pH balance of the vagina and can cause irritation and infections.

It is clear that taking a warm bath hosts a wealth of benefits for you mind, body, and spirit. Take time to enjoy a warm bath a least once a week. Life can get busy, but your health and well-being are of utmost importance.  Carve out some time for yourself.  You’re worth it!

Peace & Love,

Property of Baïna BodyWorks, LLC. 2018. Copying, distributing, or otherwise using for any purpose without express permission and proper attribution is strictly prohibited.
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