Tag: selfcare

Autumn Herbs and Spices for Beautiful Skin

There are so many reasons why autumn is the favorite season of many people (including me!).  The air is cooler, the clothes are stylish, and the leaves turn beautiful red, orange, brown and yellow hues that make the trees appear as if beautiful blazing torches.  In November, many observe a day of Thanksgiving to reflect […]

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A Warm Bath is Just What You Need

Due to pressing schedules and the other pressures of modern life, many no longer take time to incorporate relaxing rituals into their daily routine.  We tend to get in the habit of doing only what is necessary and expedient, and when it comes to cleansing our bodies, many opt for showers because of their perceived […]

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Free Your Spirit from the Screen

Picture this:  You’re sitting in a small room and staring at a wall and holding a key in your left hand.  You hear the sound of a clock ticking, and as it ticks you begin to grow anxious at the sound.  You look to your left and see a door that is deadbolted.  So, you […]

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